1. Out
2. Out
3. Mom’s Chicken w/ Pasta Caprese
4. White Cheddar Chicken Pasta
5. turkey w/ Stuffing
6. Out Taco Salad!
7. Chicken Vesuvio I slept through dinner, therefore it did not get cooked.
I really do not even want to think about how far behind I am at this point with blogging efforts. I have two restaurant reviews left from Indianapolis and a whole slew of (recipes that need to be posted. Will I ever catch up?
In the meantime, this week was sort of cobbled together without much rhyme or reason. A dear friend of ours lost her battle with cancer over the weekend so most of my planning skills have gone out the window while I wait for information around which to plan. I’m trying to keep things on the menu that don’t heavily rely on fresh ingredients, so if plans change suddenly and I have to travel, nothing will spoil due to not being cooked.
Meal 4 is a holdover from last week’s menu. Meal 3 exists solely to use the gorgeous tomatoes I picked up at Pete’s Produce in West Chester, PA. Meal 5 is to begin the process of reducing what’s in the chest freezer to make way for the upcoming half pig, and meal 7 is because Chicken Vesuvio is one of the most popular (recipes on mangeratrois.net and I’d like to make it again to be able to update the picture.
One of these days I will get back on track with cooking all 7 dinners in a week, but that day is not today.