Menu 5/2/2010

1. Mom’s Chicken w/ Swiss Chard Tart
2. Salty Sugared Salmon w/ Rice Cooker Lemon Rice
3. Bacon Swiss Quiche (Make 2, freeze 1.)
4. Chicken with Mustard Wine Cream Sauce w/ Rice Cooker Riz au Parmesan
5. Sesame Chicken with Garlic Sauce and Broccoli (tweaked) w/ brown rice
6. Out of Town (Pepper Mill!)
7. Out of Town (Leftovers, etc.)
Mock Tuna Salad

Last week didn’t go completely as planned.  We ended up eating leftovers for two meals due to my hectic choir schedule.  Thankfully choir is now back to once a week which should free up my schedule a bit.  Meal 2 is planned for choir night this week.  The salmon only requires a quick broil to cook and the rice can be put in the rice cooker in the morning. 

I had a number of goals this week with meal planning aside from accommodating choir.  Now that the market has started, I’ve got the goal of using up market produce each week.  This goal (and challenge) will be in effect until Thanksgiving.  This week gives me a slow start and I’ve only got to use up Swiss chard (meal 1), green onions (meals 3 and 5), and lots and lots of eggs (meals 1 and 3). 

In the hopes of adding more brown rice to our diet, I finally invested in a rice cooker so this adds another goal to my meal planning – use it.  I also picked up The Ultimate Rice Cooker Cookbook, so meals 2 and 4 feature (recipes from that tome.  Both of those (recipes will use white rice, I guess my goal of eating more brown rice isn’t going so well yet! 

I’m also going to work on getting fish onto our dinner plates at least once a week and hopefully twice.  I suggested to Lance that we have a vegetarian meal a week and he counter offered with “can we just eat more fish instead?”  So we’ll be doing that while Art is away. 

The Mock Tuna Salad is a test recipe.  I’m going to be visiting my brother, the vegetarian, later in the month and I wanted to take some good lunch foods with me to share.  The “mock tuna” part of the salad is chickpeas, which I love, so I decided that I need to test the recipe out before making it for my brother. 

Last, but not least, I’ll be trying out sourdough bread again.  My last attempt, which I didn’t post, was to follow a tried and true No Knead Sourdough recipe from the internet.  And it didn’t turn out any differently than my not tried and true attempts.  For my next attempt I’ll be taking Lance’s advice and using a more bread-shaped vessel in which to bake the bread. 

Maybe it will be a busy week after all…