Menu 8/14/2011

1. Avgolemono Soup w/ Art’s Bruschetta
2. Leftover Night
3. grilled Pizza
4. grilled hot dogs w/ Lumpe w/ Sweet Potato Fries w/ Aioli
5. Sour Cream Noodle Bake w/ zucchini something
6. taco salad (ground meat, taco seasoning, lettuce, tomatoes, green onions, tostitoes, etc.)
7. TBD (something with zucchini) G&L: Out for movie day, A: fends for himself

My goal for this week was simply “plan a menu.”  This meal plan mainly revolves around the produce we got at the market.  We picked up hot dogs from our meat farmer a few weeks ago and I’m sort of excited and scared to have them for dinner.  I haven’t had a hot dog in over 20 years!  I’m not really sure how people eat hot dogs other than the pigs in blankets my mom used to make.  We’re going to grill them and have them with Norwegian Lumpe.  Hopefully this will be tasty. 

The rest of the week should be fairly easy and I’ll figure out meal 7 before too long, I’m sure.  Now I just need to feel the inspiration to cook tonight’s dinner, meal 6 from last week!  The chicken is thawing, I need to get it marinating.  Then I need to pull the tomato stuff from the freezer so it can thaw as well.  And get paneer going so it can drain before cooking.  What was I thinking when I planned this meal?!

Edit: My health has, again, taken a turn for the worse so this week’s meals did not happen anywhere close to as planned.  This has been a summer of suck.