1. G&L: out of town, A: Fends for himself
2-3. Out
4. eggs to order w/ Mini Pommes Anna
5. Pasta with Eggplant and Sausage
6. burgers w/ Zucchini Parmesan Crisps
7. Out
Lunch: Egg Salad
This is not a great week. I was out of town for the weekend and, when I went to grab some pulled pork from the stand freezer today, I found out that it died at some point. Probably over the weekend, but it was unclear and the temperature was far into the 40s with the meat thawed. So… we emptied out the freezer, felt glad that it happened before the trash was collected that day, called the insurance company, and bemoaned the loss of so much amazing meat.
And then life went on.
We’ve got a number of meals out this week due to a variety of happenings but the weekend meals out involve spending time with family. The rest of the meals are just simple things because I’m sad about the loss of meat.