Local Food 5/29/2011

We’ve decided to try something new this summer.  Our local meat farmer, Zekiah Farms, is offering CSAs for produce, meats and eggs.  We decided to give it a go for a season and see how it worked for us.  It seems like a great way to go for people who don’t have lots of freezer space so can’t buy cow and pig in bulk like we have in the past.  We signed up for a half share of meat plus chickens as well as an egg share.  This means we should be getting around 4 pounds of meat a week, a dozen eggs, and a whole chicken every other week. 


For this first week Art forgot to pick up our eggs, so those aren’t shown and we’ll just get two dozen next week.  We ended up with some pork chops, beef cubes, a flank steak, and some ground beef.  We also got a chicken and they gave us two gorgeous cabbages as a bonus.  This will be an exciting test even though I have a feeling we’ll go back to bulk meat purchasing once the season is over since we do happen to have the freezer space for it.