Local Food 9/12/2009

CSA This week marks the second winter squash of the year and lots of green stuff.  In the far back we’ve got wax beans, then a buttercup squash in front of them.  Okra and eggplant are in the middle, bok choy is in the bag up front.  The left side has radishes and peppers both sweet and hot.

Other Stuff I went a bit jam crazy this week.  I picked up two jars of Peach Sunshine Marmalade and then two of Peach Hot Pepper Jam.  You can almost see the habanera peppers peeking out from behind the butternut squash at the base of the jams.  There are also some red onions, a pattypan squash, some eggplants, and 8 beautiful gala apples.  The eggplants and pattypan squash have been roasted for freezing, the habaneras are for jerk chicken, and the butternut squash is for a pasta dish to supplement the buttercup squash above.  I had intended to make turkey with stuffing with the apples, but it completely slipped my mind during meal planning.  If they make it until next week, I’ll do it then!

Small tomatoes Beautiful grape and cherry tomatoes for salads and munching.  

Big tomatoes Two flats of tomatoes plus about 6 or 7 yellow tomatoes on top.  All for roasting and freezing.  I figured I should stock up since tomato season is so close to ending.  My freezer is almost full now, so it’s probably time to stop buying so many every week.