Local Food 8/22/2009

This week is lucky number 13. 

CSA Our box contained lots of tried and true favorites.  Starting at the top and going clockwise you see eggs, tomatoes, a cantaloupe, okra, corn, potatoes, wax beans, and there are some hot peppers through the middle.

Tomatoes Then I picked up some more tomatoes for roasting at 475*F for 45-75 minutes.  Those are then frozen and used for sauce in the future.  I made amazing sauce last week with my previous stash of frozen roasted tomatoes.  It tastes so much fresher and brighter than anything I’ve bought in the store.  The little tomatoes will go in salads or just get munched.  The two tomatoes in the back are “ugly” heirloom tomatoes and they work quite well in sandwiches. 

Other veg From there I picked up some eggplant and squash for grilling, potatoes to round out what came in the CSA, and some red peppers that will be used in either Red Pepper Risotto or grilled for future use. 

The only thing I’m not sure on for the week is the okra, which might just be fried, and the cantaloupe which I love but shouldn’t eat due to the fructose content.