Local Food 9/10/2011

For the first time in I don’t even know how long, I got to go to the market today.  YAY!  The market is a very important part of my life and I have so missed my weekly outings.  While I’m always grateful that Art has the capability to go without me and return with delicious produce, I really enjoy going too!  I miss my farmer friends, I miss seeing what’s available, and I just miss everything.  Today was a very happy day! 


We picked up two dozen eggs, a bunch of potatoes, 6 ears of bi-colour corn, some yellow zucchini, and small loaves of zucchini and chocolate bread. 

This picture is also Mia’s introduction to Manger à Trois!  Our sweet little cat hasn’t ventured far from the laundry room since she moved in 3 years ago and it is only within the last few weeks that she seems to have become fed up with her self-imposed seclusion.  She has been spending more and more time on the table and is slowly losing her skittishness.  Today she decided to investigate all the produce as we unpacked and sniffed it all over to ensure it was safe for her humans. 

more veg

We also picked up some nice tomatoes  (most of the tomatoes have gotten too much water in the area, so we haven’t seen many at the market), garlic, a red bell pepper, a white onion, and some jalapenos for Art to stuff and devour. 

Mia was interested in the produce on this side of the table as well.